Party of five
Produced by Columbia Pictures Television.
Party of Five is the story of the Salinger family. After their parents were
killed when a drunken driver caused a car crash, their five children had to
pick up the pieces of their lives and find a way to carry on without any other
family and in the face of questions from the social worker assigned to their
case as to whether they could stay together.
Julia Salinger, played by Neve Campbell, is aged 15 when her parents died,
Julia was a straight-A student who rebelled in the absence of parental control.
She's often impetuous, and once she's set on a course of action there's no
dissuading her. More recently, Julia realised that she didn't want to go to college
after all, and the end of the third season saw her marry Griffin Holbrook.
| Matthew Fox, Neve CAMPBELL,
Lacey Chabert et Scott Wolf |
Some images
Some informations
La cinquième saison de "La vie à cinq" doit commencer le 16 septembre 1998. Cela marque un
nouveau départ pour toute l'équipe de la série, avec des horaires de travail énormes. Près de
14 heures par jour et six jours sur sept.
Certaines rumeurs annoncaient que Lacey Chabert (Claudia)
quittait la série, il n'en est rien, elle doit intégrer un pensionnat au début de la saison
elle sera donc éloignée de la famille, au moins pendant quelques temps.
Quand au départ de Neve, il est peu probable du fait de son contrat qui la lie à la série
pour encore deux ans.
Newsgroups : alt.tv.party-of-five
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